Meet the Founder - Espy Earth
May 9, 2023
What do dark ships and methane have in common? The answer, they can both be found using Espy Earth technology. Derived from the nautical term ‘Espy’ meaning to see something from a long way away, and a clever play on electronic spying, Espy Earth is a satellite...
Article as featured in NZ Entrepreneur Magazine here. Kiwi startup Scentian Bio, which is developing a ground-breaking technology that can detect human diseases, has been awarded a US $1.7m grant by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Along with a further $2.5...
Meet the Founders - Clarospec
October 26, 2021
Worldwide, the consumer demand for meat is forecasted to change, with trends showing that people are now seeking quality over quantity. It’s this demand, and the opportunity for increased meat export values, that has led to the development of Clarospec, ‘the science behi...
New way of sensing becomes commercial reality
January 27, 2021
Scentian Bio spins out from Plant & Food Research with investment from Sprout....
Sprout PortfolioPackagingThermo-Chemical BatteriesProcess HeatAnimal DataMastitisPest ManagementBiotechSpring24 CohortSproutAcceleratorSpring24AIApplesAutunm24soilPetHortcultureAnimal HealthDiagnosticsAutonomousRoboticsAutumn24Sprout AcceleratorAgritechWoolAucklandCohort XICarbonSustainabilityConferenceCohort XCorporate InvestingSprout AlumniInnovation NationArableCohort IXHealth and WellbeingMenuAidMethaneFonterraPortfolio CompanyHortTech ChallengeHortTechCohort VIIIPartnershipEventsIrrigationDairyHorticultureFinTechApicultureAquacultureMaori InnovationCohort BCohortAcceleratorEnvironmentSprout TeamEntrepreneurFinistere VenturesSprout CEODeep TechIPScienceSprout InvestmentInvestmentInnovationGlobal TopicGreenhouse Gas EmissionsClimate ChangeAgTechEntrepreneursFoodTechMeet the founders