Marie, our venture analyst, recently joined the food science community for the annual New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology (NZIFST) conference in early July 2023. The theme of this year's conference, "Food in a Changing World," resonated deeply with the atten...
Meet the Founders: CiRCLR
May 3, 2023
New Zealand sends approximately 12.5 million tonnes to landfills each year. We have some of the highest waste figures in the OECD. 10% of that waste is organic household waste and an increasing percentage is from horticultural food loss and waste, which globally is a $600 mi...
Sprout PortfolioPackagingThermo-Chemical BatteriesProcess HeatAnimal DataMastitisPest ManagementBiotechSpring24 CohortSproutAcceleratorSpring24AIApplesAutunm24soilPetHortcultureAnimal HealthDiagnosticsAutonomousRoboticsAutumn24Sprout AcceleratorAgritechWoolAucklandCohort XICarbonSustainabilityConferenceCohort XCorporate InvestingSprout AlumniInnovation NationArableCohort IXHealth and WellbeingMenuAidMethaneFonterraPortfolio CompanyHortTech ChallengeHortTechCohort VIIIPartnershipEventsIrrigationDairyHorticultureFinTechApicultureAquacultureMaori InnovationCohort BCohortAcceleratorEnvironmentSprout TeamEntrepreneurFinistere VenturesSprout CEODeep TechIPScienceSprout InvestmentInvestmentInnovationGlobal TopicGreenhouse Gas EmissionsClimate ChangeAgTechEntrepreneursFoodTechMeet the founders