The pet wellness industry, valued at over $100 billion globally, is booming, with an increasing number of pet owners seeking ways to extend the health and lifespan of their beloved animals. As the demand for scientifically backed, personalised pet care grows, New Zealand-bas...
Meet the Founder: Ingenum
November 8, 2024
In the race to secure global food supplies and protect livestock, imagine a ‘ChatGPT’ for biological signs that could help detect animal health diseases before they become catastrophic. Meet Ingenum co-founders Tom Brownlie and Christopher Liang working together to pione...
Meet the Founder: Stockies
November 5, 2024
Every livestock transaction carries an unseen cost: valuable information that never gets to market.Buying and selling livestock is often risky due to limited information shared during transactions. Despite the high-value trades, buying stock with insufficient data is like bu...
Sprout PortfolioPackagingThermo-Chemical BatteriesProcess HeatAnimal DataMastitisPest ManagementBiotechSpring24 CohortSproutAcceleratorSpring24AIApplesAutunm24soilPetHortcultureAnimal HealthDiagnosticsAutonomousRoboticsAutumn24Sprout AcceleratorAgritechWoolAucklandCohort XICarbonSustainabilityConferenceCohort XCorporate InvestingSprout AlumniInnovation NationArableCohort IXHealth and WellbeingMenuAidMethaneFonterraPortfolio CompanyHortTech ChallengeHortTechCohort VIIIPartnershipEventsIrrigationDairyHorticultureFinTechApicultureAquacultureMaori InnovationCohort BCohortAcceleratorEnvironmentSprout TeamEntrepreneurFinistere VenturesSprout CEODeep TechIPScienceSprout InvestmentInvestmentInnovationGlobal TopicGreenhouse Gas EmissionsClimate ChangeAgTechEntrepreneursFoodTechMeet the founders